Monday, December 1, 2008

UK Communities Preperations

As we near the end of the UK communities project, I look back on quite a bit of research I have gathered. I think my most useful resource will be found here in my blogs, as I have compiled most of my coherent thoughts in them. I feel as though I have a decent amount of information gathered on my own thoughts and observations, and certainly it will be useful having my interviews to look at, seeing where they agree and disagree with me. Whether or not my location is a cosmopolitan canopy or not is still somewhat up for grabs, I have evidence supporting it in both ways. It seems people do come and socialize, but not necessarily outside of their own groups. I think true cosmopolitanism would be everyone interacting together, but I guess its a start. I feel as though after I write my paper I will be truly prepared for a presentation, as I can compile all of my findings into a power point. This will help me organize my information, as well as provide an opportunity to add in some images and sketches. The only thing I find lacking in my project as of now is the background information of the site. I think we were told to hold off on this research for the time being, but am wondering when we are going to discuss it again. I have had trouble getting anything together on my own. If anyone else has any suggestions as to how to find some good background info, please let me know.


LandRe said...

I agree that the blogs are great research organizers.: ) I also think that cosmopolitan canopies involve the willingness by many of their residents to make an effort to understand and learn from others. I feel like we are on the same page with the background info. Unfortunately, I also have yet to aquire any. I tried emailing a librarian, but I think I somehow messed up while doing so.Either I ddin't email the right person, or my email wasn't working...~.~"

Anonymous said...

To Both Phoolendu and LandRe - You should really try the 'ask a librarian' thing on the libraries section of the site. They will respond. If they don't have any answers for you, they will redirect you (with hope) to someone who can. OR, you could go see them in person on the 2nd floor of the W.T.Young Library!!! They are there from 8am to 8pm M-F (if what one of them told me is correct), not sure about weekends. Good Luck thought you two!
And Phoolendu, thanks for the comment! I really think the way you said it, how we each constantly strive to adjust our personality so that others will percieve us in the best light, is a very accurate and in-depth description of what I was trying to get at in my blog entry. ^_^