Wednesday, November 19, 2008

More Observations of The Commons Market

One aspect of the Common's Market I was interested in studying was behavior of groups versus individuals. I have already speculated the different seating patterns I have noticed, large groups sit at centrally located areas at large tables, and individuals find small tables out of the way near walls and corners. Perhaps this is a basic assumption, but acting as an anthropologist I will point it out anyway: I do not ever observe an individual sitting at a large table, more than 4 chairs, and do not ever see a large group sitting around each other at separate small tables. It appears as though perhaps it is socially unacceptable for one person to take up too much space, as perhaps they would be offensive to a group of people trying to sit together and unable to find a table. Another observation I have noted about differing behaviors is that people in groups tend to eat at a comfortable, steady pace, and take lots of time to talk and laugh. Individuals seem to eat more hurriedly as to be able to get up and go as soon as they are finished. Some individuals appear nervous, as they will constantly look around, watch TV, look at their phone, look at their watch, read the paper, and repeat. It almost seems as though they have to engage in some sort of external activity other than eating so that they will feel more comfortable about being alone, as if they feel like they are being judged. I find these differing observations interesting and will perhaps try to inquire first hand why people act they way they do in an interview situation.


Reecie Foxtrot said...

Well thats a good observation. I dont know if it helps but, not often but every now and then I am stuck eating alone. For some reason I just dont like eating by myself, as you mentioned, I feel like I am being judged even though I probably am not. Its one of those things I cant explain, but I always feel like I have to call someone, or do something on my phone to feel better about being there alone. Ill leave it up to you to figure out why, because as I said, its really something I cant explain about why I feel that way haha.. :P

-Reeice ^_^

Reecie Foxtrot said...

yeah i agree with you. ur prbably right.. if we got all psychological about it lol. but since this anthropology, ill leave it alone.. haha