Monday, December 8, 2008


Our showcase project is all about Second Life. We have taken all of our old projects and mixed them together more or less, a large power point. This way we can show images from several of the locations, and what sort of interactions one may expect to have there. We also added in some things such as what we think Second Life is all about, a bit of research from the SL website, as well as conclusions and things we've learned from this initial project. This slide show will be looping while we simultaneously have a demo of the game set up. In this way, a person can learn about the experience as well as live it. As for who is in my group, who isn't in my group? A great deal of us are working on this together, and with our combined experiences we should be able to present a good idea of what we learned in this class, and particularly on the SL unit.

1 comment:

Reecie Foxtrot said...

woot for Team SL; Guiding You Through Your Virtual Reincarnation.
haha... with all our ideas i definately think we should do well :)

-Reecie ^_^