Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Golden Rule

The "Golden Rule" does not cut much ice due to the variety of ways in which it could be construed. First off, it could be interpreted as doing something to others as you'd like done to yourself. Or, in contrast, not doing something to others what you wouldn't want them to do to you. Even if this part is understood by both parties, there is still too much room for conflict. In most of this text leading up to this point Appiah talks about values of different cultures. What I value and perceive as moral or immoral could go completely against the beliefs of a person from another culture. It is because of this that the golden rule can not work- maybe others would not appreciate the same things I would appreciate.

The example given in the book was dealing with Jehovah's witnesses. If one was in need of a blood transfusion, and a doctor would save their life, he would think this is good, as it is the way he would like to be treated. However, in reality, it is against the religion of the recipient to receive a transfusion, and they would literally rather be dead.

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