Thursday, September 18, 2008

Operation Chicken

7:49 pm: This blog is not relevant to class, but it's the first blogworthy cause I've had since the school year began. So effective 7pm previously this evening, I am fasting all food and drink until tomorrow night at 10 pm. This is for the cause hereby known as operation chicken. Apple Bee's is currently having an "endless chicken" promotion, in which one can order chicken and get infinite refills. The goal is, me and a band of other brave champions are to eat as much chicken as possible in hopes of exhausting the supply of chicken on location. To do this most effectively, I have decided to not eat til then. I will update my levels of hunger, etc, and you all can cheer me on with words of encouragement. Either that, or tell me how eating chicken is wrong or something. Whatever generates a conversation. I guess I can also say I'm fasting for world peace or something, might as well throw in a couple of other crazy causes, cause it isn't often I get the chance to support them. And with that, I take my leave, doomed to an empty stomach for 27 hours.

Hour 24 without food: Starting to feel it, salvation is near...or so I hope

11:52 pm: When the clock struck 9(we went an hour early), myself and 12 other champions entered the arena. Everyone knew what they wanted of course, the chicken. So after a few minutes they brought it out, 6 large strips per plate, some fries on the side. We knew the fries were merely a diversion to make us full, so we paid them no attention. Round one went by smoothly, this wouldn't be so tough, the waiter automatically asked if we wanted more, natuarlly we said yes. So in a few more minutes 3 giant trays of chicken appeared, to be split amongst us all. We fought through this round with a bit more caution, but made it through ok. Afterwards, the waiter came back and asked if we wanted the check. Our response was "chicken". He kinda laughed, but honored our request. The battle waged on, the process repeated. He was beginning to wonder how much we could handle. We then revealed our plan to deplete all of the chicken resources. He told us they had just gotten in 4 cases from another applebee's location, and there were 500 strips in a case. This seemed a very unreasonable goal, 2000 was just too much to handle. But even still, we could not give up. So we ate and ate til we could not eat anymore...and then we ate one more. At the verge of explosion, it was too much. The global total of our efforts was 233 strips of chicken, 20 for myself. I suppose we did not accomplish our goal, but we still made some personal victories. The price of the meal was 10 bucks, which meant we spent a total of $120. However, if you configure the total price of the chicken eaten, it comes to roughly $388. So I guess we did our fair share, but nothing glorious to show for it. At the least I was hoping for our pictures on the wall, whether it be recognizing our accomplishment, or containing a caption reading "do not serve these people here". Either way, I wanted something, but at least I got this story out of it. I learned a valuable lesson, I'm not sure what that is, but maybe I'll figure it out tomorrow, when I'm less full of chicken...


Anonymous said...

Ha ha! LOL. Did you really do that?

Just to let you know, I am a vegetarian and I believe in animism! I am offended :P :)

--Meh Jigsaw (

Anonymous said...

That is awesome! I applaud your valliant efforts. Even thoough you didn't succeed in original goal, you did eat a very large amount of chicken. Also they had to bring in more crates of chicken which was a setback on the operation of the restaurant. I would count this as a victory if I were you.

P.S. No offense towards Meh. I totally resepct your beliefs about animals.